BEKOlut® Florisil®
SPE, Normal phases

Order information:
Sorbent weight, Volume
- Select Product
- 100 mg | 1 mL
- 200 mg | 3 mL
- 500 mg | 3 mL
- 500 mg | 6 mL
- 1 g | 6 mL
- 2 g | 15 mL
Unit / Pck. 100 | Article information B01-500-A010
Sales and shipping by BEKOLut
BEKOlut® Florisil® cartridges contain synthetic, high purity magnesium silicate (MgO:SiO2, 15:85), e.g. for an adsorptive clean-up of pesticides from soil and foodstuffs.
Typical Application: Clean-up of sample extracts containing the following analyte groups: Phthalate esters, chlorinated hydrocarbons, nitrosamines, organochlorine pesticides, nitroaromatics, organophosphates, haloethers, organophosphorous pesticides, aniline and aniline derivatives, PCBs
Phase mechanism: strongly polar