Polymeric High Performance (HP) Phases
Select from modern polymeric high performance sorbents the SPE phase of choice. We are capable of developing special sorbents that exactly meet your application requirements.

Normal phases
Normal phases like e.g. silica gel or amino phase are used for the fractionation/isolation of medium polar and polar compounds from lipophilic sample matrices according to differences in the polarity.

Reversed phases
Silica-based Reversed-phase sorbents for SPE are hydrophobically modified and therefore non-polar. They are specially developed for the extraction of medium polar to non-polar compounds from aqueous or biological matrices.

Ion exchange phases
Ion exchange phases are especially suitable for the selective SPE of ionic species from aqueous samples. We offer both silica and polymer-based ion exchangers for SPE.

Specialty phases
For the extraction of mineral oil hydrocarbons according to ISO 9377-2/H53, we offer ultra pure ready-to-use glass columns. Further, for SPE of acrylamide from water, a specially activated carbon phase is available.

Automated SPE
Specialty SPE columns for the MultiPurpose Sampler MPS and the ASPEC. For both sample preparation systems, standard sorbents as well customized sorbent fillings are available upon request. BEKOlut MPS

Mycotoxin Analysis
For enrichment and clean-up of feed and food samples, immunoaffinity columns are suitable, which are also available as combi-columns for different mycotoxins. If the sensitivity is high, specialty SPE columns or dispersive QuEChERS kits are recomm...

SPE accessories
Empty columns and frits in different sizes are here available. And if you are missing something, please contact us. We have a huge selection of products in store for you.